Monday, August 21, 2006

incident of the day

-entrance of the canteen where all the dedications are pasted on the floor-

me: oh my god look at that-*points at a note that says "XX (arbitrary name) I LOVE YOU!"-

gerb (shouts): holy shit did Sexyboy (arbitrary name for my friend) write that for XX?!

situ (shouts): who is XX?! who is XX?! who is XX?! oh my god who is XX?! can u pls tell me who is XX?! -pokes me and makes a din-

gerb, situ, zhu then proceed to create a scene there.

gerb: -looks up- OMG -pokes me- isnt that XX???

gerb (whispers to everyone): OMG THATS XX

everyone (looks up): omg.... holyshiiiitttt....

XX and her friends start staring at us, as we pondered what to do next

at that point in time we decided that we have just pwnt ourselves and sexyboy very badly hahahaha

and thus,

we decided to flee from the scene of the crime to LT2 for math :)

Deepest heartfelt regrets to my dearest friend, Sexyboy.


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