Tuesday, July 31, 2007


The human race is extremely annoying. Many people have the impression that there is a greater cause that should govern us in our actions and motives. Take a look at the world around and you will find many instances of this - Salafism in the Middle East, the championing of human rights and democracy. We have this misconstrued belief that our ideals are universal and applicable to every society, without ever pausing to consider alternatives and the underlying circumstances. The clash of faiths and ideologies highlight this stubborn streak in our societies today, and more worringly, the root of these conflicts is unlikely to be abated in the near future. We humans, in all of history, have always unabashedly imposed our believes upon others, and will continute to do so. Success in spreading our ideals will reinvigorate and motivate efforts, similarly, failure in doing so will simply translate into more fervent efforts. It will take a large amount of enlightenment and common sense before the world forges ahead as one, peaceful and coexisting unit.

So please, let us open up our hearts and minds.


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