finally, all the money for the boat has been collected! ALL $2830 (from my batch at least)!!! accomplishment.
passed the money to mr koh yst. shit everytime i go back to rj i keep seeing the same old faces, i bet they think im damn no-lifer (i know many of u will agree but WHATEVER haha i had official business). slacked around in the gym after that and had a very amusing talk with daojie, telling me about the latest chicks in town! no la, it was just a casual conversation. apart from that my sexybag got insulted a couple of times yet again.
had my first driving lesson yst as well... it was quite cock, bad attitude driving instructor can go... nvm. the clutch was abit weird and quite psychomotor. for some reason its so much easier to transit from 1st to 2nd gear than to just start moving off in 1st gear. actually the gear change feels abit like kayak kicking.
now i need to schedule my next driving lesson, but the guy is not picking up my calls damn.
was just browsing through an article on the monk protest in myanmar just now. apparently the IMF and world bank recommended the junta to lower fuel subsidies at the end of last year, due to its terrible budget deficit. i don't know whether this recommendation had any bearing on the junta's decision to slash fuel subsidies (even if it did, was the cut in subsidies meant to be this large?), the eventual spark that led to the protests. neither am i denying that the resentment towards the junta made a showdown between myanmar's people and its rulers inevitable sooner or later. it is just interesting to note whether the IMF and world bank considered the consequences to their policy recommendation, if it had indeed been taken up.
anw i think the west's and asia's insistence on using burma and myanmar respectively is amusing.
passed the money to mr koh yst. shit everytime i go back to rj i keep seeing the same old faces, i bet they think im damn no-lifer (i know many of u will agree but WHATEVER haha i had official business). slacked around in the gym after that and had a very amusing talk with daojie, telling me about the latest chicks in town! no la, it was just a casual conversation. apart from that my sexybag got insulted a couple of times yet again.
had my first driving lesson yst as well... it was quite cock, bad attitude driving instructor can go... nvm. the clutch was abit weird and quite psychomotor. for some reason its so much easier to transit from 1st to 2nd gear than to just start moving off in 1st gear. actually the gear change feels abit like kayak kicking.
now i need to schedule my next driving lesson, but the guy is not picking up my calls damn.
was just browsing through an article on the monk protest in myanmar just now. apparently the IMF and world bank recommended the junta to lower fuel subsidies at the end of last year, due to its terrible budget deficit. i don't know whether this recommendation had any bearing on the junta's decision to slash fuel subsidies (even if it did, was the cut in subsidies meant to be this large?), the eventual spark that led to the protests. neither am i denying that the resentment towards the junta made a showdown between myanmar's people and its rulers inevitable sooner or later. it is just interesting to note whether the IMF and world bank considered the consequences to their policy recommendation, if it had indeed been taken up.
anw i think the west's and asia's insistence on using burma and myanmar respectively is amusing.
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