Tuesday, June 26, 2007

i am a gosu tutor


because my student got 75/100 for A maths midyear! YES KIDS THATS AN A1!!! muahahaha...

and i just realised how lousy some tutors are today. just read the textbook without explaining and using proper scientific terms.

in other news, ive got my basic theory test tmr. having only decently read the book once, i believe i should read it one more time again, lest i fail. if i do fail, the humiliation will be too much to bear!

thinking of doing army half marathon... but shit abit humji. i am, after all, pes e with a heart condition, albeit a mild one.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

basic theory

damn basic theory on wed and ive only read the book once. worse still, i didnt manage to get a date for the trial test so i'm going into the test without any knowledge of the questions they'd ask!

anw more than 6 months of NS done!!! woot. 25% there!!!

i've been running in the past month. i'm pretty pleased, considering the last time i ran properly was before my canoe comp last july hahahaha

later kiteflying with the class, which i think i'll turn up late for zzz. oh dear, my dad just told me the weather forecast says that it'll rain in the afternoon.

life has been pretty damn unexciting... thinking of taking part in army half marathon on aug 26th but i don't wanna kill myself. that's abit too soon!

i'm frigging fat now omggg... i've hit 60kg for the first time in my life hahaha... but its understandable, since i started working out recently. gain some muscle then will become abit heavier, then still got the fats from the months of inactivity lol

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

wassup dawg!

ive been exercising in the past week!!! dig THAT omg. its really damn hard to start running after living a sedentary lifestyle since my enlistment back in dec 06. THATS RIGHT IM ALMOST DONE WITH HALF A YEAR OF NS.

ALMOST 1/4 THROUGH!!! u cannot imagine how happy i am. ONLY 75% of NS left!!!

shit the endorphins from exercising are kicking in im feeling abit high hahaha... I should exercise more.

there are two common ways to get endorphins... eat chocolate or exercise. i think better exercise. eat chocolate will grow fat(ter). BUT actually if i eat chocolate i get one dose of endorphins, after that i'll be forced to exercise to burn it off, and thatll be a second dose of endorphins omgggg. brilliant plan

last weekend the class watched pirates... im still pretty sad for poor will turner. once-every-10-years conjugals that poor thing. Its like... confined for 10 years waiting to ORD, and only to find out u have an unlimited number of 10-year NS cycles. bookout 1 day only. ARRRR!

can u imagine, elizabeth turner will die after 5 or 6 bookouts (if she's lucky, considering how lousy healthcare was then). poor guy. at least he'll live to see his great great great great great grandkids. he can take HEART in that hurhur.