Tuesday, July 31, 2007


The human race is extremely annoying. Many people have the impression that there is a greater cause that should govern us in our actions and motives. Take a look at the world around and you will find many instances of this - Salafism in the Middle East, the championing of human rights and democracy. We have this misconstrued belief that our ideals are universal and applicable to every society, without ever pausing to consider alternatives and the underlying circumstances. The clash of faiths and ideologies highlight this stubborn streak in our societies today, and more worringly, the root of these conflicts is unlikely to be abated in the near future. We humans, in all of history, have always unabashedly imposed our believes upon others, and will continute to do so. Success in spreading our ideals will reinvigorate and motivate efforts, similarly, failure in doing so will simply translate into more fervent efforts. It will take a large amount of enlightenment and common sense before the world forges ahead as one, peaceful and coexisting unit.

So please, let us open up our hearts and minds.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

An absolutely SMASHING read!!!

I would say that this is the best book of the series, followed closely by the Prisoner of Azkaban!

All 600 pages of it blew me away man... at the end of it i was pretty darn sad since there won't be any more HP books :(

However, i have to say that this is certainly no kids book. many many many deaths, although they weren't disgusting or anything. Great that there's a happy ending!

For a children's series, i must say that HP has very mature themes indeed.

Man, i still can't believe the series is over. It's been about 7 or 8 years since i first picked up the first book, and i can't get enough of the series!


Thanks for capturing the imagination of a whole generation of kids!

Friday, July 13, 2007

have we got the spirit?

this year has been a bad year for rjcanoeing. lets hope that this year is only a blip.

Yet i dont foresee much improvement if rj doesnt give more support to canoeing... even in my year it was already quite a stretch. to think we almost pipped HC to 2nd! sigh, it saddens me but whats done is done; lets hope the j1s reflect on why we failed this year and step it up next year to bring us back to our former glory. RJCANOEING NEEDS MORE WATER TRAININGS AND MORE MONEY TO BUY BOATS! yet to blame it all on the school admin is nothing short of evasion... the team must work on her weaknesses as well.

its been a shagging week. im damn shagged. irregular meals, lots of sun and little sleep.

but this month is exciting. Harry Potter OOTP movie on sunday, followed by the relase of the 7th book on the 21st !!!! man! HP fan here sorry!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

human psychology and the roots of religion?


"Discussions of cargo cults usually begin with a series of movements that occurred in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. The earliest recorded cargo cult was the Tuka Movement that began in Fiji in 1885. Cargo cults occurred periodically in many parts of the island of New Guinea, including the Taro Cult in Northern Papua New Guinea, and the Vailala Madness that arose in 1919 and was documented by F.E. Williams, one of the first anthropologists to conduct fieldwork in Papua New Guinea. Less dramatic cargo cults have appeared in western New Guinea as well, including the Asmat and Dani areas.

The classic period of cargo cult activity, however, was in the years during and after World War II. The vast amounts of war matériel that were airdropped into these islands during the Pacific campaign against the Empire of Japan necessarily meant drastic changes to the lifestyle of the islanders, many of whom had never seen Westerners or Japanese before. Manufactured clothing, medicine, canned food, tents, weapons and other useful goods arrived in vast quantities to equip soldiers — and also the islanders who were their guides and hosts. With the end of the war the airbases were abandoned, and "cargo" was no longer being dropped.

In attempts to get cargo to fall by parachute or land in planes or ships again, islanders imitated the same practices they had seen the soldiers, sailors and airmen use. They carved headphones from wood, and wore them while sitting in fabricated control towers. They waved the landing signals while standing on the runways. They lit signal fires and torches to light up runways and lighthouses. The cultists thought that the foreigners had some special connection to their own ancestors, who were the only beings powerful enough to produce such riches.

In a form of sympathetic magic, many built life-size mockups of airplanes out of straw, and created new military style landing strips, hoping to attract more airplanes. Ultimately, though these practices did not bring about the return of the god-like airplanes that brought such marvelous cargo during the war, they did have the effect of eradicating the religious practices that had existed prior to the war.

Over the last seventy-five years most cargo cults have petered out. Yet, the John Frum cult is still active on the island of Tanna, Vanuatu. And from time to time, the term "cargo cult" is invoked as an English language idiom, to mean any group of people who imitate the superficial exterior of a process or system without having any understanding of the underlying substance."

-From Wikipedia

The John Frum Cult

"John Frum is a figure associated with cargo cults on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu. He is depicted as an American World War II serviceman, who will bring wealth and prosperity to the people if they follow him. He is sometimes portrayed as black, sometimes as white; from David Attenborough's report of an encounter: "'E look like you. 'E got white face. 'E tall man. 'E live 'long South America."

It is not known whether the religion arose spontaneously or was deliberately created; nor is it clear whether an individual named "John Frum" existed in the first place; the name is sometimes considered a corruption of "John from (America)", which the natives heard from US GIs during World War II. Frum is an extremely rare name in the English-speaking world, appearing only four times in USA telephone directories and not at all in either the 1851 or 1901 censuses of the United Kingdom. There are no records of the John Frum religion before 1940.

Some people living around Sulphur Bay on Tanna revere a god named Kerapenmun associated with the extinct volcano Mount Tukosmeru; the attributes of this god influenced the development of the John Frum movement. A native named Manehivi, under the alias of Jon Frum, began the cult by appearing among people and making promises of houses, clothes, food, and transport. He promised the dawn of a new age, in which all white people, including missionaries, would leave the New Hebrides (as they were then known), and that the native Melanesians would gain access to the material wealth which white people enjoyed. For this to happen, the people of Tanna should reject all aspects of European society (money, Western education, Christianity, work on copra plantations) and return to traditional kastom (a word for native Tannese customs.)

In 1941, followers of John Frum rid themselves of their money in a frenzy of spending, left the missionary churches, schools, villages and plantations, and moved further inland to celebrate traditional custom through feasts, dances and rituals. The movement gained traction in the 1940s when some 300,000 American troops established themselves in Vanuatu. The islanders were impressed both by the egalitarianism of the Americans and their obvious wealth and power. This led them to conflate perceived benefactors such as Uncle Sam, Santa Claus and John the Baptist into a mythic figure who would empower the island peoples by giving them cargo wealth. Followers of John Frum built symbolic landing strips to encourage American aeroplanes to land and bring them "cargo". In 1957, a leader of the John Frum movement, Nakomaha, created the "Tanna Army", a non-violent, ritualistic organisation which organised military-style parades, their faces painted in ritual colours, and wearing white t-shirts with the letters "T-A USA" (Tanna Army USA). This parade still takes place every year on February 15.

The power of John Frum appeared to be confirmed by the post-war influx of tourists to the region, who brought with them a degree of material prosperity to the islands. The cult is still active today. The followers believe that John Frum will come back on a February 15 (the year of his return is not known), a date which is observed as "John Frum Day" in Vanuatu.

In the late 1970s, John Frum followers opposed the imminent creation of an independent, united nation of Vanuatu. They objected to a centralised government which they feared would favour Western "modernity" and Christianity, felt to be detrimental to local customs.

The John Frum movement has its own political party, led by Song Keaspai. On John Frum Day in February 2007, the John Frum Movement celebrated its 50th anniversary. Chief Isaac Wan, its leader, remains strong in his belief in John Frum. He was quoted by the BBC as saying that John Frum was "our God, our Jesus," and would eventually return.

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, is also worshipped in Vanuatu by cargo cult followers, the Prince Philip Movement, following a royal visit to the area in 1974. He is now regarded as the head of the cargo suppliers. His wife, the Queen, was perhaps not deified because she is female."

-From Wikipedia

Friday, July 06, 2007

some week

this week was some week.

did quite abit of work, which is quite the exception. shagged me out man.

then there was mambo, my virgin clubbing experience, on wed night with nic, joanne, huibin and xuhui. i wasnt planning to go, so after work on wed i went to run 8+km. then when i was abt to watch vcds, nic jio-ed me to go. so, i reached zouk at 1040, but the mofo nic and xuhui were half an hour late. what a way to repay my friendship! the place got frigging crowded after midnight, and let me say this: it is gross to smell BO (from both guys and girls) in a squished place. after a while, the place was so packed that everyone was just bobbing ard like jellyfish, which was kinda retarded. nic and i make great dance partners :P

so we left at 230 and i cabbed back to camp, and spent the night there lol. pretty good, managed to squeeze abt 4 hrs of sleep, but even so, i was dying on thursday. amazingly, i joined my unit for soccer in the afternoon, since thursdays are sports days. totally died on thurs night, crashing at 8pm.

so sad i dont think i'll be able to watch canoe comp! argh, although i think i'll be able to watch gym comp. kaoz.