the monsoon's here!
the sky's been pissing non stop but oh well, nice to sleep in. hohoho
ns has started for me. so far ive been learning the ropes. pay so little $350. thats abt $2.18 an hour! what happened to the minimum wage man? as situ said, maybe we should just go macs and flip burger patties. even macs workers earn more. $3.50 an hour am i right?
poor berbert injured his ligament during his bmt. its ok gerbert we still love you, even if u cant walk, talk or... rock hahahaha. if ure bored u can call me (i got free incoming) and we can have one on one, heart to heart talks. tell us when ure free ok then we go out.
btw my sis just bought a laptop and im blogging on it now. im on my bed with the laptop how comfy sia. using wireless internet so this is damn shiok.
still got my chicago essay left damn irritating. after that still have to do the short answers for northwestern and nyu.
my parents want to rennovate the house. hopefully i can get a pool table (yea right wishful thinking). that means i will have to move out for 3 months zzz damn sian.
im damn sian in army. plx call me out for dinner or sth i miss all of u very much.
btw nic is really a copy cat. after copying my prom night jacket, he wants to copy the laptop my sis bought. some people are just sheep. no mind of his own that nic. bic. learn how to wash ur own clothes thank u very much.
gerbert we miss you! do msg me once in a while to let me know that you're still alive
the monsoon's here!
the sky's been pissing non stop but oh well, nice to sleep in. hohoho
ns has started for me. so far ive been learning the ropes. pay so little $350. thats abt $2.18 an hour! what happened to the minimum wage man? as situ said, maybe we should just go macs and flip burger patties. even macs workers earn more. $3.50 an hour am i right?
poor berbert injured his ligament during his bmt. its ok gerbert we still love you, even if u cant walk, talk or... rock hahahaha. if ure bored u can call me (i got free incoming) and we can have one on one, heart to heart talks. tell us when ure free ok then we go out.
btw my sis just bought a laptop and im blogging on it now. im on my bed with the laptop how comfy sia. using wireless internet so this is damn shiok.
still got my chicago essay left damn irritating. after that still have to do the short answers for northwestern and nyu.
my parents want to rennovate the house. hopefully i can get a pool table (yea right wishful thinking). that means i will have to move out for 3 months zzz damn sian.
im damn sian in army. plx call me out for dinner or sth i miss all of u very much.
btw nic is really a copy cat. after copying my prom night jacket, he wants to copy the laptop my sis bought. some people are just sheep. no mind of his own that nic. bic. learn how to wash ur own clothes thank u very much.
gerbert we miss you! do msg me once in a while to let me know that you're still alive